
Cultivating Lifelong Connections

Tanvi Vartak

Illustrations by Mary Amato

iphone 14 pro mockup
Buildable Abstract Character Body Star

My Moai

Geometric Clean Filled Concentric Pattern Circle


categories line icon
Geometric Clean Filled Concentric Pattern Circle


My Moai

Moai empowers users to develop

relational intelligence using personalized AI ​guidance, interactive activities and reflective ​conversations to build and nurture meaningful and ​long-lasting connections.

The problem of social disconnection

Did you know?

Loneliness has the ​same effect as ​smoki​ng

Rocknroll Icon Doodle Cigarette



The rate of loneliness amongst young Americans has increased every year between 1976 and 2019 (OSG, 2023).

Causes of social ​disconnection

Increased ​digital ​interactions



Decreasing ​interpersonal ​trust

Changes in

family ​structures

The Loneliness Epidemic in Young People in America

Generation-wise reporting of the percentage of feeling lonely in childhood

(American National Family Life Survey, December, 2021)

American youth self-reporting


"Seriously lonely” in 2020


Experiencing depression and anxiety from loneliness in 2019

A paradoxical crisis of connection

Despite the abundance ​digital platforms facilitating ​social interaction, many ​young people still grapple ​with profound loneliness and ​social disconnection.

We know that...

Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

“Socially connected will be a lifelong need, ​like food and warmth.”

- Mathew Lieberman, Social: How our brains ​are Wired to Connect

Quote Icon. Quote Symbol and Mark Quote. Quote Marks Outline Vector.

BUT WHAT IF young Americans could learn and ​foster meaningful relationships (online and offline) ​as an important aspect of their well-being?

Why hasn’t anyone solved this yet?

“Harmful ideologies have affected our curiosity. We need to rekindle that aspect amongst us, as human beings - and have the curiosity of a 5 year old to know and learn about each other to stay connected. This interpersonal curiosity is the solution to our social disconnection, and even loneliness.”

-- Dr Niobe Way, Professor of Developmental Psychology at NYU

Gaps in Existing Solutions

Social Media Platforms

(Instagram, Tiktok, Tumblr, Youtube)

People are connected but there’s a skill gap for building meaningful connections both online and offline

Meaningful questions asked during game settings lack sustained impact outside the game circle.

One-size fits all content

There is a need for more ​personalized, tailored interventions ​that account for individual ​differences & specific needs

Therapy and Helplines

Lacks focus on long-term strategies to build and maintain social connections.

How did I dig deep into research problem?

Initial Assumptions

People are aware of ​their loneliness and ​care about being social

Tanvi Vartak

Physical distance is the ​main reason behind ​loneliness

Tanvi Vartak

Re-designing ​interaction on social ​media platforms can ​address the problem

Tanvi Vartak

Methodology for Research

Literature Review





User Characteristics

12 participants

Born between ​1991-2012

The interviews took place through the approach of transformative interviewing, a practice that focuses on fostering deep connections between the interviewee and interviewer through the process of active listening and thoughtful questioning, by prioritizing "thick" questions to build reciprocal empathy.

Themes of User Research Interview

Relational ​Intelligence


Experiences/ ​Challenges in ​Connection

Support for ​Forming ​Connections

Awareness of ​Impact of Social ​Connections

Technology Use ​and Social ​Interactions

Emotional ​Needs and


Nuggets from Research

User Research on Social ​Relationships of Young ​People

Causes of feelings in ​disconnection and loneliness ​in young people


Fear and


Social media

Fear of missing

out on social ​media portrays a ​one-sided ​picture which ​increases feeling ​lonely

Young people ​experience ​relational and ​social anxiety ​which act as ​barriers

Absence of third space ​in modern society

hinders the formation ​of new social ​relationships

Introvert’s lack of ​self-confidence in ​social skills affects ​their outcomes in ​making friends ​increaseing feelings of ​loneliness

Focus on ​independence and ​confidence has ​created an aversion ​towards ​interdependence

Young people ​do not

self report as ​it requires ​awareness and ​acceptance

Lack of self-​identification

Aversion to ​Interdependence

Identity and ​Personality ​type


Key Insights from Research

Social connection changes over time, can be improved or compromised (OSG, 2023)

We think we are great listeners. But the truth is relational intelligence needs to be learnt and cultivated as we have lost our humanness because of harmful ideologies (Way et al, 2018)

Building a culture of care is important to rebuild our social fabric (OSG, 2023)


Solid Oval 2


Solid Oval 2


Left Arrow Illustration
White Circle Vector
Black Upwards Arrow
Solid Oval 2


Hand Drawn Arrow
Solid Oval 2


Downwards Looping Arrow
Solid Oval 2
Left Arrow Illustration
Solid Oval 2
Brown Oval Element


Looping Downwards Arrow
Black Downwards Arrow
Solid Oval 2
Solid Oval 2
Brown Oval Element
Solid Oval 2



Mo.AI: Our Solution

Our solution is inspired by the idea developing the skills to consciously create ​one’s own social groups by learning the skills of relational intelligence, with ​connections that vary across interests and support them throughout a lifetime.





Active ​Listening




Culture of ​Care

Asking Meaningful ​Questions

Paying attention

Perspective taking





Three Venn Diagram


  • Active Listening
  • Empathetic Communication
  • Perspective Taking
  • Reflection
  • Interpersonal Curiosity



  • AI Nudge Companion
  • Learner Personalisation
  • Visualisation of growth in ​narrative
  • Microlearning, scaffolding ​and experiential learning


  • Consciously improving social connections for ​overall well-being
  • Creating a culture of care within our ​communities
  • Building life-long connections while improving ​relational intelligence in real-life situation

Principles of Moai

White Circle Vector

Developing Relational ​Intelligence


Building one's Moai is an individual's commitment to ​empowering themselves to cultivate deeper and more ​meaningful relationships. To achieve this, we help ​users with the tools and skills of relational ​intelligence, that would ultimately lead them to ​greater connectedness.


Moai is learning platform where users embark on ​self-discovery and relationship-building. We help ​users visualize, practice and develop the essential ​skills of relational intelligence they need to thrive in ​their social relationships with confidence and ​authenticity.

White Circle Vector

Culture of Care

White Circle Vector

Technology for ​good


Moai makes learning personal and enjoyable by ​employing cutting edge-technology with evidence-​based practices to create personalized playful ​learning experiences. In a judgment-free magic circle ​our platform offers guided exercises to real-time ​feedback, for users to learn and grow.

Use Case


Liam, 25

Graphic Designer, New York

  • Introverted & shy
  • Creative and visual
  • Love birds


Liam works remotely from his small apartment in Brooklyn. The pandemic wasn’t the best on ​his mental health and his diminished social interaction made him more socially anxious post-​COVID. He is always at a crossroad since he knows that his lack of social interaction is taking a ​toll on his mental health, but he finds it challenging to reach out to others and maintain ​connections.


  • Fears of rejection leading to distress
  • Overthinker and self-blamer
  • Finds it hard to initiate and sustain meaningful ​connections


  • Hates social media
  • Ghosts people, doesn’t know how to respond
  • Struggles with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt ​in social situations


  • Develop the confidence and skills to initiate and maintain meaningful connections
  • Learn how to navigate communication with people in a way that feels manageable and authentic
  • Build a supportive network of friends and colleagues who understand and accept him as he does to them


  • A safe, non-judgmental space to practice social skills and build confidence
  • Personalized guidance and support in navigating social interactions and relationships
  • Encouragement and motivation to step outside his comfort zone and take small risks in socializing

“I should reach out to people, but I don't know what ​to say”

“I feel like I'm always going to say or do something ​wrong which will make people push me away”

“I wish I had a close group of friends who ​just understood me”

“I am not good at socialising and if I try, I ​will be rejected”

“I will avoid the risk of getting hurt if I don't ​make a fool out of myself by trying “

“Only if I had good social skills would I ​be able to connect with others and cure ​my loneliness”

Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Speech Bubble Icon
Pie Chart Icon

Empathy ​Map





Feeling Love Icon
thinking cloud icon
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long

“Lonely and isolated especially after ​pandemic limited his physical and social ​interactions”

Find out what your ​company does well and ​where there are any ​weaknesses or room for ​development. You can use ​this to decide where to ​concentrate your efforts.

“Anxious and self-conscious about social skills ​and ability to connect with others”

"Frustrated by the inability of connecting with others and ​maintain meaningful relationships

Spends most free time along in his ​creative projects

Avoids social situations that make him feel ​anxious or uncomfortable.

Occasionally reaches out to old friends but ​struggles to maintain regular contact and deepen ​connection

Engages in solitary hobbies like birdwatching and ​photography.

To-do Note Icon
Brushstroke Arrow Rapid Curved Long
Smartphone Frame Vector

Choose your supporting character

Green Check
Image Upload Icon

What would you like to call me?

Thought Bubble Illustration

Hi Liam! I am excited ​to be with you on ​your adventures!

arrow icon

Customized Supporting Character

Personalized supporting agent to ​foster a meaningful affective and ​emotional connection

Complements user's tendencies and ​provides support-based learning through ​hints and optimistic and actionable language

Offers personalized feedback and advice ​to enhance your learning experience

Personalized AI Companion

Personalized Feedback to your

unique situation and emotional state

Bite-sized learning with gradually increasing ​complexity for effective skill acquisition.

Conversational Communication and Active Learning ​to practice skills in a safe, supportive environment.

Visualisation of Social Circle

Smartphone Frame Vector

My Moai

Geometric Clean Filled Concentric Pattern Circle

Meaningful Social Network ​(1​50)

Sympathy Group (15)

Loved ones (5)


Social Group (35-50)

Attach faces and names to social ​circles for enhanced memory and ​emotional engagement

Encourages reflection and ​personalized strategies to ​strengthen bonds

Clarify social needs and goals ​through a visual map of ​meaningful connections


Social Disconnection

Social Isolation


Conflict or distance in existing or developing ​connections

Separation or retreat from social connection

Internalised feeling of being alone as a result ​of lack of social connenction

Acid Graphic Elements Complex Lighting 01

Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). (2023)

My Roles



Managed overall project strategy, timelines, and stakeholder outreach. Coordinated user interviews, ​concept testing, and usability testing phases.

Skills: Time management, stakeholder management, strategic planning, scheduling.


Conducted extensive interdisciplinary secondary research across various fields and primary research ​including transformative interviewing and lean testing.

Skills: Literature review, transformative interviewing, lean testing, mixed methods research, analysis of interdisciplinary studies.


Developed concepts from research findings, tested these with users, and created visual ​designs for the final prototype.

Skills: Human-centered design, design thinking, game design, UX/UI design, prototyping.


Explored product-market fit, engaged with entrepreneurs and investors, and developed a business ​plan to assess the feasibility of the product launch.

Skills: Market analysis, business planning, customer discovery, networking with entrepreneurs, pitching to potential investors.